Wednesday, August 27, 2008

"Look mom, no training wheels!"

Today was a big day for Lizzy. She taught herself how to ride her bike without trainging wheels. Yeah!!!!! That's a big thing for a 6 year old. If she had to wait for me to teach her, she'd be an old lady. Haha!!! She taught herself in about 10-15 minutes. She rocks!! She was so proud of herself, and had so much fun speeding around. She was turning beautifully all by herslef. She thought she was so skilled that she decided she could wave and ride her bike at the same time. Didn't go over so well. She kinda fell down. Luckily she didn't get hurt! She needed a little help from me getting up, and then she was off with both hands on the handlebars at all time.
After Lizzy had been riding around for awhile with our neighbors, her friend Collin said he wanted to try and ride his bike without his traing wheels too. Nothin' like a girl doing something first to get a guy motivated. lol!! So, I took his wheels off, traing wheels that is, and in about 15-20minutes he was off. He and Lizzy had lots of fun together. Now they feel like big kids.
Now I need to get Payson a bike so he can teach himself too.

1 comment:

Holly said...

Wow! Great job Lizzy! That is so awesome, beats running behind the bike and holding on.
I can't believe how old Devin is getting - I remember getting him tennis shoes for his 3rd bday!!!