In case you're wondering where Devin is, he is #36. This was his first real game. He didn't have his best game though. He was dealing with an injury that happened earlier in the week at practice. His injury was worse after a hit he recieved in the 3rd quarter. He was in so much pain, but wanted so badly to be out on the field helping his team.
His team, the Eagles was doing pretty good, considering all the penalties they got, until the 2nd half of the 3rd quarter. The teams were tied 6-6, and then all of the sudden, they started getting killed. The final score was 23-6. Ouch! Devin plays on the offense in a couple different positions, and on the defense, and the kick off team, and the punt return team. The boy doesn't get much of a break. He loves to play. I'm kinda hoping he doesn't play this week, because they're going in to downtown Oakland on Friday, and I want him to live to see his 16th birthday next year. I'm not sure I want to go and watch.
Here they are getting ready for the kick off. Dev. is 3rd man in from the far side.
Devin is being seen by a sports Dr. so hopefully we'll get him back to normal in no time. He really enjoyed getting his back adjusted, and laying down with heat on his back, and the deep tissue massage he got on his neck and shoulders. He almost fell asleep. I should've gotten a picture of that.

Devin is on the other side of 34 trying to hold him back. Go Devin!

Devin got to come out for a little break finally. Few!! Hangin' with his buddies.